Donald Trump departs White House for final time


Donald Trump departs White House for final time as US President

Donald Trump departed White House for the final time as President of the US . He will visit Florida instead of President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration.

“It’s been a great honor, the honor of a lifetime. the greatest people in the world, the greatest home in the world."

Trump told reporters before heading to Marine One, rotors whirring, on South Lawn.

“We accomplished tons ."

"We have the best country and economy within the world. We were hit so hard by the pandemic. We did something that's considered a medical miracle- the vaccine which was developed in 9 months," he further said.

"I will always fight for you. I will be watching, listening. the future of this country has never been better. I wish the new administration great luck and success. i think they have the foundation to do something really spectacular."

Trump, 74, has already announced that he won't attend the inauguration of Biden as President and Kamala Harris because the vice president, becoming the primary president to skip his successor's inauguration since Johnson in 1869.

Read more biden president
