
Showing posts from February, 2021

Donald Trump departs White House for final time

  Donald Trump departs White House for final time as US President Donald Trump departed White House for the final time as President of the US . He will visit Florida instead of President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration. “It’s been a great honor, the honor of a lifetime. the greatest people in the world, the greatest home in the world." Trump told reporters before heading to Marine One, rotors whirring, on South Lawn. “We accomplished tons ." "We have the best country and economy within the world. We were hit so hard by the pandemic. We did something that's considered a medical miracle- the vaccine which was developed in 9 months," he further said. "I will always fight for you. I will be watching, listening. the future of this country has never been better. I wish the new administration great luck and success. i think they have the foundation to do something really spectacular." Trump, 74, has already announced that he won't attend the inaugurati

Joe Biden's 50-50 challenge

  Joe Biden's 50-50 challenge Republicans remain poised to block most of Biden's proposals, just as much of President Barack Obama's efforts on Capitol Hill. But 50-50 control permits action on special legislation that can’t be filibustered, and momentum for the popular parts of Covid-19 relief could easily propel an early aid bill into law. Democrats also have the opportunity to pass special budget-related legislation by a simple majority, an often-arcane process that enabled Obama to finish his 2010 health care bill and gave President Donald Trump’s GOP allies a failed chance to repeal “Obamacare” and passage of a tax overhaul bill. Biden could use this so-called budget reconciliation process to pass more controversial elements of Covid-19 relief with only Democratic votes, repeal some of Trump's tax cuts or make federal health care programs more generous. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer be majority leader once the two new Georgia senators and Vice President-el

Joe Biden to propose 8-year citizenship path for immigrants

  Joe Biden to propose 8-year citizenship path for immigrants President-elect Joe Biden plans to unveil a sweeping immigration bill on Day One of his administration, hoping to provide an eight-year path to citizenship for an estimated 11 million people living in the U.S. without legal status, a massive reversal from the Trump administration's harsh immigration policies. The legislation puts Biden on track to deliver on a major campaign promise important to Latino voters and other immigrant communities after four years of President Donald Trump's restrictive policies and mass deportations. It provides one of the fastest pathways to citizenship for those living without legal status of any measure in recent years, but it fails to include the traditional trade-off of enhanced border security favored by many Republicans, making passage in a narrowly divided Congress in doubt. It provides one of the fastest pathways to citizenship for those living without legal status of any measure

President Biden's inauguration

  President Biden's inauguration on 20th will be like no other The inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th president of the United States at noon on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, will mark the commencement of the four-year term of Joe Biden as president and Kamala Harris as vice president. The inaugural ceremony will take place on the West Front of the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. and will be the 59th presidential inauguration. Biden will take the oath of office as president, and Harris will take the oath of office as vice president. Lady Gaga and Jennifer Lopez will take the stage at the inauguration ceremony, alongside others in what his transition team said would showcase a diverse America. Other performers include Justin Timberlake, Jon Bon Jovi, Demi Lovato and Ant Clemons. Foo Fighters, John Legend and Bruce Springsteen will offer remote performances, and Eva Longoria and and Kerry Washington will introduce segments of the event. Despite a raging pandemic forcing mo

U.S. COVID-19 vaccinations

Biden says will enlist retired doctors, order more syringes to speed U.S. COVID-19 vaccinations U.S. President-elect Joe Biden on Friday said he would order increased production of syringes and other supplies to ramp up vaccinations against COVID-19 and improve upon the Trump administration rollout that he called a "dismal failure." Under Biden's plan, federal disaster-relief workers would set up thousands of vaccination centers, where retired doctors would administer shots to teachers, grocery store workers, people over 65 years old and other groups who do not currently qualify. The Democrat would invoke the Defense Production Act to increase production of equipment needed to distribute the vaccines, such as glass vials, needles and syringes, according to a document released by his transition team. He would also use the law to support vaccine refrigeration and storage. Biden said his team has identified companies that are ready to be activated under the law, which enable

Biden fills out State Department team with Obama veterans

  Biden fills out State Department team with Obama veterans President-elect Joe Biden on Saturday filled out his State Department team with a group of former career diplomats and veterans of the Obama administration, signaling his desire to return to a more traditional foreign policy after four years of uncertainty and unpredictability under President Donald Trump. Biden will nominate Wendy Sherman as deputy secretary of state and Victoria Nuland as undersecretary of state for political affairs. The second and third-highest ranking posts, respectively. They were among the officials chosen to serve under the incoming secretary of state, Antony Blinken. The team “embodies my core belief that America is strongest when it works with our allies,” Biden said in a statement. He said he was confident "they will use their diplomatic experience and skill to restore America’s global and moral leadership and America is back.” Read more biden president

Team Biden starts @PresElectBiden

  Team Biden starts @PresElectBiden while clashing with Twitter Joe Biden’s transition team flipped the switch on a new Twitter account for the US president-elect on Thursday night, while clashing with the social media company over its decision to deny the incoming administration millions of existing White House followers. Biden’s transition opened @PresElectBiden in order to start building a following for one of the official accounts the new president will inherit at noon on 20 January. In a change in practice from 2017, when President Donald Trump entered office, Twitter plans to reset both the @POTUS and @WhiteHouse official accounts to zero followers for Biden. The two accounts currently have a massive audience that is nearly 60 million followers combined, though there is overlap. Trump got a head start in 2017 when he inherited about 12 million followers of @POTUS from President Barack Obama’s tenure, plus millions of followers from other official accounts. Though Trump used his p

Biden names Indian-American Sameera Fazili as Deputy Director of NEC

  Biden names Indian-American Sameera Fazili as Deputy Director of National Economic Council Joe Biden has appointed Indian-American community and economic development expert Sameera Fazili to a key White House position. Fazili has been named as Deputy Director, National Economic Council at the White House, the Biden-Harris Transition announced on Friday. The National Economic Council coordinates the economic policy making process and provide economic policy advice to the US president. Fazili is currently the Economic Agency lead on the Biden-Harris Transition. She was earlier posted at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta where she served as the Director of Engagement for Community and Economic Development. Fazili is the second Kashmiri-origin Indian-American appointed to a key position in the incoming Biden administration. Read more Biden President