Biden will be more effective on China


Biden will be more effective on China, has said he will bring allies for common approach

A lot of people in India, the US and elsewhere have been trying to figure out how the Biden Administration would respond to the China challenge. They have been partly concerned because of some vacillations that were seen during the Obama Administration. President Trump himself, in the beginning, gave mixed signals. Subsequently the Trump Administration clearly defined China as a major global rival, a strategic competitor. Now, when you look at what Biden has said and what people around him have said… they have said the situation today is very different from the situation in 2016, China follows unfair trade practices, China is a major technological rival to the US… So I would believe there will be some nuancing because they will want to show that they are different from the Trump Administration and some have said that Trump was very aggressive on China by the end but Biden would be more effective on China, because Biden has said that he will bring allies and partners to have a common approach towards China. Although the US under Trump had taken a very aggressive approach towards China, the Europeans didn’t follow it because he had decried alliances. But if the US wants an effective policy on China, it needs to bring its allies in Europe and Asia on a common platform to respond to the China challenge.

Biden President
